throw { name: 'FatalError', message: 'Do not call this file. If you want to use it, remove this line.' }; "use strict"; /** * @license * jQuery Tools @VERSION Rangeinput - HTML5 for humans * * NO COPYRIGHTS OR LICENSES. DO WHAT YOU LIKE. * * * * Since: Mar 2010 * Date: @DATE */ (function($) { $.tools = $.tools || {version: '@VERSION'}; var tool; tool = $.tools.rangeinput = { conf: { min: 0, max: 100, // as defined in the standard step: 'any', // granularity of the value. a non-zero float or int (or "any") steps: 0, value: 0, precision: undefined, vertical: 0, keyboard: true, progress: false, speed: 100, // set to null if not needed css: { input: 'range', slider: 'slider', progress: 'progress', handle: 'handle' } } }; //{{{ fn.drag /* FULL featured drag and drop. 0.7 kb minified, 0.3 gzipped. done. Who told d'n'd is rocket science? Usage: $(".myelement").drag({y: false}).bind("drag", function(event, x, y) { // do your custom thing }); Configuration: x: true, // enable horizontal drag y: true, // enable vertical drag drag: true // true = perform drag, false = only fire events Events: dragStart, drag, dragEnd. */ var doc, draggable; $.fn.drag = function(conf) { // disable IE specialities document.ondragstart = function () { return false; }; conf = $.extend({x: true, y: true, drag: true}, conf); doc = doc || $(document).bind("mousedown mouseup", function(e) { var el = $(; // start if (e.type == "mousedown" &&"drag")) { var offset = el.position(), x0 = e.pageX - offset.left, y0 = e.pageY -, start = true; doc.bind("mousemove.drag", function(e) { var x = e.pageX -x0, y = e.pageY -y0, props = {}; if (conf.x) { props.left = x; } if (conf.y) { = y; } if (start) { el.trigger("dragStart"); start = false; } if (conf.drag) { el.css(props); } el.trigger("drag", [y, x]); draggable = el; }); e.preventDefault(); } else { try { if (draggable) { draggable.trigger("dragEnd"); } } finally { doc.unbind("mousemove.drag"); draggable = null; } } }); return"drag", true); }; //}}} function round(value, precision) { var n = Math.pow(10, precision); return Math.round(value * n) / n; } // get hidden element's width or height even though it's hidden function dim(el, key) { var v = parseInt(el.css(key), 10); if (v) { return v; } var s = el[0].currentStyle; return s && s.width && parseInt(s.width, 10); } function hasEvent(el) { var e ="events"); return e && e.onSlide; } function RangeInput(input, conf) { // private variables var self = this, css = conf.css, root = $("
").data("rangeinput", self), vertical, value, // current value origo, // handle's start point len, // length of the range pos; // current position of the handle // create range input.before(root); var handle = root.addClass(css.slider).find("a").addClass(css.handle), progress = root.find("div").addClass(css.progress); // get (HTML5) attributes into configuration $.each("min,max,step,value".split(","), function(i, key) { var val = input.attr(key); if (parseFloat(val)) { conf[key] = parseFloat(val, 10); } }); var range = conf.max - conf.min, step = conf.step == 'any' ? 0 : conf.step, precision = conf.precision; if (precision === undefined) { try { var stepparts = step.toString().split("."); if (stepparts.length>=2) { precision = stepparts[1].length; } else { precision = 0; } } catch (err) { precision = 0; } } // Replace built-in range input (type attribute cannot be changed) if (input.attr("type") == 'range') { var tmp = $(""); $.each("class,disabled,id,maxlength,name,readonly,required,size,style,tabindex,title,value".split(","), function(i, attr) { tmp.attr(attr, input.attr(attr)); }); tmp.val(conf.value); input.replaceWith(tmp); input = tmp; } input.addClass(css.input); var fire = $(self).add(input), fireOnSlide = true; /** The flesh and bone of this tool. All sliding is routed trough this. @param evt types include: click, keydown, blur and api (setValue call) @param isSetValue when called trough setValue() call (keydown, blur, api) vertical configuration gives additional complexity. */ function slide(evt, x, val, isSetValue) { // calculate value based on slide position if (val === undefined) { val = x / len * range; // x is calculated based on val. we need to strip off min during calculation } else if (isSetValue) { val -= conf.min; } // increment in steps if (step) { val = Math.round(val / step) * step; } // count x based on value or tweak x if stepping is done if (x === undefined || step) { x = val * len / range; } // crazy value? if (isNaN(val)) { return self; } // stay within range x = Math.max(0, Math.min(x, len)); val = x / len * range; if (isSetValue || !vertical) { val += conf.min; } // in vertical ranges value rises upwards if (vertical) { if (isSetValue) { x = len -x; } else { val = conf.max - val; } } // precision val = round(val, precision); // onSlide var isClick = evt.type == "click"; if (fireOnSlide && value !== undefined && !isClick) { evt.type = "onSlide"; fire.trigger(evt, [val, x]); if (evt.isDefaultPrevented()) { return self; } } // speed & callback var speed = isClick ? conf.speed : 0, callback = isClick ? function() { evt.type = "change"; fire.trigger(evt, [val]); } : null; if (vertical) { handle.animate({top: x}, speed, callback); if (conf.progress) { progress.animate({height: len - x + handle.width() / 2}, speed); } } else { handle.animate({left: x}, speed, callback); if (conf.progress) { progress.animate({width: x + handle.width() / 2}, speed); } } // store current value value = val; pos = x; // se input field's value input.val(val); return self; } $.extend(self, { getValue: function() { return value; }, setValue: function(val, e) { init(); return slide(e || $.Event("api"), undefined, val, true); }, getConf: function() { return conf; }, getProgress: function() { return progress; }, getHandle: function() { return handle; }, getInput: function() { return input; }, step: function(am, e) { e = e || $.Event(); var step = conf.step == 'any' ? 1 : conf.step; self.setValue(value + step * (am || 1), e); }, // HTML5 compatible name stepUp: function(am) { return self.step(am || 1); }, // HTML5 compatible name stepDown: function(am) { return self.step(-am || -1); } }); // callbacks $.each("onSlide,change".split(","), function(i, name) { // from configuration if ($.isFunction(conf[name])) { $(self).bind(name, conf[name]); } // API methods self[name] = function(fn) { if (fn) { $(self).bind(name, fn); } return self; }; }); // dragging handle.drag({drag: false}).bind("dragStart", function() { /* do some pre- calculations for seek() function. improves performance */ init(); // avoid redundant event triggering (= heavy stuff) fireOnSlide = hasEvent($(self)) || hasEvent(input); }).bind("drag", function(e, y, x) { if (":disabled")) { return false; } slide(e, vertical ? y : x); }).bind("dragEnd", function(e) { if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) { e.type = "change"; fire.trigger(e, [value]); } }).click(function(e) { return e.preventDefault(); }); // clicking { if (":disabled") || == handle[0]) { return e.preventDefault(); } init(); var fix = handle.width() / 2; slide(e, vertical ? len-origo-fix + e.pageY : e.pageX -origo -fix); }); if (conf.keyboard) { input.keydown(function(e) { if (input.attr("readonly")) { return; } var key = e.keyCode, up = $([75, 76, 38, 33, 39]).index(key) != -1, down = $([74, 72, 40, 34, 37]).index(key) != -1; if ((up || down) && !(e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey)) { // UP: k=75, l=76, up=38, pageup=33, right=39 if (up) { self.step(key == 33 ? 10 : 1, e); // DOWN: j=74, h=72, down=40, pagedown=34, left=37 } else if (down) { self.step(key == 34 ? -10 : -1, e); } return e.preventDefault(); } }); } input.blur(function(e) { var val = $(this).val(); if (val !== value) { self.setValue(val, e); } }); // HTML5 DOM methods $.extend(input[0], { stepUp: self.stepUp, stepDown: self.stepDown}); // calculate all dimension related stuff function init() { vertical = conf.vertical || dim(root, "height") > dim(root, "width"); if (vertical) { len = dim(root, "height") - dim(handle, "height"); origo = root.offset().top + len; } else { len = dim(root, "width") - dim(handle, "width"); origo = root.offset().left; } } function begin() { init(); self.setValue(conf.value !== undefined ? conf.value : conf.min); } begin(); // some browsers cannot get dimensions upon initialization if (!len) { $(window).load(begin); } } $.expr[':'].range = function(el) { var type = el.getAttribute("type"); return type && type == 'range' || !!$(el).filter("input").data("rangeinput"); }; // jQuery plugin implementation $.fn.rangeinput = function(conf) { // already installed if ("rangeinput")) { return this; } // extend configuration with globals conf = $.extend(true, {}, tool.conf, conf); var els; this.each(function() { var el = new RangeInput($(this), $.extend(true, {}, conf)); var input = el.getInput().data("rangeinput", el); els = els ? els.add(input) : input; }); return els ? els : this; }; }) (jQuery);