/* global dialogMessage */ throw { name: 'FatalError', message: 'Do not call this file. If you want to use it, remove this line.' }; /* File: xajax_core.js This file contains the definition of the main xajax javascript core. This is the client side code which runs on the web browser or similar web enabled application. Include this in the HEAD of each page for which you wish to use xajax. Title: xajax core javascript library Please see for a detailed description, copyright and license information. Modified by Christian Koller - untermStrich */ /* @package xajax @version $Id: xajax_core.js 1274 2011-03-30 09:26:05Z christian $ @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2007 by Jared White & J. Max Wilson @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2009 by Joseph Woolley, Steffen Konerow, Jared White & J. Max Wilson @license http://www.xajaxproject.org/bsd_license.txt BSD License */ /* Class: xajax.config This class contains all the default configuration settings. These are application level settings; however, they can be overridden by including a xajax.config definition prior to including the file, or by specifying the appropriate configuration options on a per call basis. */ if ('undefined' == typeof xajax) xajax = {}; if ('undefined' == typeof xajax.config) xajax.config = {}; /* Function: xajax.config.setDefault This function will set a default configuration option if it is not already set. Parameters: option - (string): The name of the option that will be set. defaultValue - (unknown): The value to use if a value was not already set. */ xajax.config.setDefault = function(option, defaultValue) { if ('undefined' == typeof xajax.config[option]) xajax.config[option] = defaultValue; } /* Object: commonHeaders An array of header entries where the array key is the header option name and the associated value is the value that will set when the request object is initialized. These headers will be set for both POST and GET requests. */ xajax.config.setDefault('commonHeaders', { 'If-Modified-Since': 'Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT' }); /* Object: postHeaders An array of header entries where the array key is the header option name and the associated value is the value that will set when the request object is initialized. */ xajax.config.setDefault('postHeaders', {}); /* Object: getHeaders An array of header entries where the array key is the header option name and the associated value is the value that will set when the request object is initialized. */ xajax.config.setDefault('getHeaders', {}); /* Boolean: waitCursor true - xajax should display a wait cursor when making a request false - xajax should not show a wait cursor during a request */ xajax.config.setDefault('waitCursor', false); /* Boolean: statusMessages true - xajax should update the status bar during a request false - xajax should not display the status of the request */ xajax.config.setDefault('statusMessages', false); /* Object: baseDocument The base document that will be used throughout the code for locating elements by ID. */ xajax.config.setDefault('baseDocument', document); /* String: requestURI The URI that requests will be sent to. */ xajax.config.setDefault('requestURI', xajax.config.baseDocument.URL); /* String: defaultMode The request mode. 'asynchronous' - The request will immediately return, the response will be processed when (and if) it is received. 'synchronous' - The request will block, waiting for the response. This option allows the server to return a value directly to the caller. */ xajax.config.setDefault('defaultMode', 'asynchronous'); /* String: defaultHttpVersion The Hyper Text Transport Protocol version designated in the header of the request. */ xajax.config.setDefault('defaultHttpVersion', 'HTTP/1.1'); /* String: defaultContentType The content type designated in the header of the request. */ xajax.config.setDefault('defaultContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); /* Integer: defaultResponseDelayTime The delay time, in milliseconds, associated with the event. */ xajax.config.setDefault('defaultResponseDelayTime', 1000); /* Integer: defaultExpirationTime The amount of time to wait, in milliseconds, before a request is considered expired. This is used to trigger the to form a URL. */ xajax.config.setDefault('defaultMethod', 'POST'); // W3C: Method is case sensitive /* Integer: defaultRetry The number of times a request should be retried if it expires. */ xajax.config.setDefault('defaultRetry', 5); /* Object: defaultReturnValue The value returned by when in asynchronous mode, or when a syncrhonous call does not specify the return value. */ xajax.config.setDefault('defaultReturnValue', false); /* Integer: maxObjectDepth The maximum depth of recursion allowed when serializing objects to be sent to the server in a request. */ xajax.config.setDefault('maxObjectDepth', 20); /* Integer: maxObjectSize The maximum number of members allowed when serializing objects to be sent to the server in a request. */ xajax.config.setDefault('maxObjectSize', 2000); xajax.config.setDefault('responseQueueSize', 1000); /* Class: xajax.config.status Provides support for updating the browser's status bar during the request process. By splitting the status bar functionality into an object, the xajax developer has the opportunity to customize the status bar messages prior to sending xajax requests. */ xajax.config.status = { /* Function: update Constructs and returns a set of event handlers that will be called by the xajax framework to set the status bar messages. */ update: function() { return { onRequest: function() { window.status = 'Sending Request...'; }, onWaiting: function() { window.status = 'Waiting for Response...'; }, onProcessing: function() { window.status = 'Processing...'; }, onComplete: function() { window.status = 'Done.'; } } }, /* Function: dontUpdate Constructs and returns a set of event handlers that will be called by the xajax framework where status bar updates would normally occur. */ dontUpdate: function() { return { onRequest: function() {}, onWaiting: function() {}, onProcessing: function() {}, onComplete: function() {} } } } /* Class: xajax.config.cursor Provides the base functionality for updating the browser's cursor during requests. By splitting this functionalityh into an object of it's own, xajax developers can now customize the functionality prior to submitting requests. */ xajax.config.cursor = { /* Function: update Constructs and returns a set of event handlers that will be called by the xajax framework to effect the status of the cursor during requests. */ update: function() { return { onWaiting: function() { if (xajax.config.baseDocument.body) xajax.config.baseDocument.body.style.cursor = 'wait'; }, onComplete: function() { xajax.config.baseDocument.body.style.cursor = 'auto'; } } }, /* Function: dontUpdate Constructs and returns a set of event handlers that will be called by the xajax framework where cursor status changes would typically be made during the handling of requests. */ dontUpdate: function() { return { onWaiting: function() {}, onComplete: function() {} } } } /* Class: xajax.tools This contains utility functions which are used throughout the xajax core. */ xajax.tools = {} /* Function: xajax.tools.$ Shorthand for finding a uniquely named element within the document. Parameters: sId - (string): The unique name of the element (specified by the ID attribute), not to be confused with the name attribute on form elements. Returns: object - The element found or null. Note: This function uses the which allows to operate on the main window document as well as documents from contained iframes and child windows. See also: and */ xajax.tools.$ = function(sId) { if (!sId) return null; var oDoc = xajax.config.baseDocument; var obj = oDoc.getElementById(sId); if (obj) return obj; if (oDoc.all) return oDoc.all[sId]; return obj; } /* Function xajax.tools.arrayContainsValue Looks for a value within the specified array and, if found, returns true; otherwise it returns false. Parameters: array - (object): The array to be searched. valueToCheck - (object): The value to search for. Returns: true : The value is one of the values contained in the array. false : The value was not found in the specified array. */ xajax.tools.arrayContainsValue = function(array, valueToCheck) { var i = 0; var l = array.length; while (i < l) { if (array[i] == valueToCheck) return true; ++i; } return false; } /* Function: xajax.tools.doubleQuotes Replace all occurances of the single quote character with a double quote character. Parameters: haystack - The source string to be scanned. Returns: string - A new string with the modifications applied. */ xajax.tools.doubleQuotes = function(haystack) { return haystack.replace(new RegExp("'", 'g'), '"'); } /* Function: xajax.tools.singleQuotes Replace all occurances of the double quote character with a single quote character. haystack - The source string to be scanned. Returns: string - A new string with the modification applied. */ xajax.tools.singleQuotes = function(haystack) { return haystack.replace(new RegExp('"', 'g'), "'"); } /* Function: xajax.tools._escape Determine if the specified value contains special characters and create a CDATA section so the value can be safely transmitted. Parameters: data - (string or other): The source string value to be evaluated or an object of unknown type. Returns: string - The string value, escaped if necessary or the object provided if it is not a string. Note: When the specified object is NOT a string, the value is returned as is. */ xajax.tools._escape = function(data) { if ('undefined' == typeof data) return data; // 'object' is handled elsewhere, // 'string' handled below, // 'number' will be returned here // 'boolean' will be returned here if ('string' != typeof data) return data; var needCDATA = false; if (encodeURIComponent(data) != data) { needCDATA = true; var segments = data.split(''); var fragLen = fragments.length; segment = ''; for (var j = 0; j < fragLen; ++j) { if (0 != j) segment += ']]]]>'; segment += fragments[j]; } if (0 != i) data.push(''; return data; } /* Function: xajax.tools._objectToXML Convert a javascript object or array into XML suitable for transmission to the server. Parameters: obj - The object or array to convert. guard - An object used to track the level of recursion when encoding javascript objects. When an object contains a reference to it's parent and the parent contains a reference to the child, an infinite recursion will cause some browsers to crash. Returns: string - the xml representation of the object or array. See also: and */ xajax.tools._objectToXML = function(obj, guard) { var aXml = []; aXml.push(''); for (var key in obj) { ++guard.size; if (guard.maxSize < guard.size) return aXml.join(''); if ('undefined' != typeof obj[key]) { if ('constructor' == key) continue; if ('function' == typeof obj[key]) continue; aXml.push(''); var val = xajax.tools._escape(key); aXml.push(val); aXml.push(''); if ('object' == typeof obj[key]) { ++guard.depth; if (guard.maxDepth > guard.depth) { try { aXml.push(xajax.tools._objectToXML(obj[key], guard)); } catch (e) { // do nothing, if the debug module is installed // it will catch the exception and handle it } } --guard.depth; } else { var val = xajax.tools._escape(obj[key]); if ('undefined' == typeof val || null == val) { aXml.push('*'); } else { var sType = typeof val; if ('string' == sType) aXml.push('S'); else if ('boolean' == sType) aXml.push('B'); else if ('number' == sType) aXml.push('N'); aXml.push(val); } } aXml.push(''); } } aXml.push(''); return aXml.join(''); } /* Function: xajax.tools._enforceDataType Ensure that the javascript variable created is of the correct data type. Parameters: value (string) Returns: (unknown) - The value provided converted to the correct data type. */ xajax.tools._enforceDataType = function(value) { value = new String(value); var type = value.substr(0, 1); value = value.substr(1); if ('*' == type) value = null; else if ('N' == type) value = value - 0; else if ('B' == type) value = !!value; // else if ('S' == type) // value = new String(value); return value; } /* Function: xajax.tools._nodeToObject Deserialize a javascript object from an XML node. Parameters: node - A node, likely from the xml returned by the server. Returns: object - The object extracted from the xml node. */ xajax.tools._nodeToObject = function(node) { if (null == node) return ''; if ('undefined' != typeof node.nodeName) { if ('#cdata-section' == node.nodeName || '#text' == node.nodeName) { var data = ''; do if (node.data) data += node.data; while (node = node.nextSibling); return xajax.tools._enforceDataType(data); } else if ('xjxobj' == node.nodeName) { var key = null; var value = null; var data = new Array; var child = node.firstChild; while (child) { if ('e' == child.nodeName) { var grandChild = child.firstChild; while (grandChild) { if ('k' == grandChild.nodeName) // Don't support objects here, only number, string, etc... key = xajax.tools._enforceDataType(grandChild.firstChild.data); else ('v' == grandChild.nodeName) // Value might be object, string, number, boolean... even null or undefined value = xajax.tools._nodeToObject(grandChild.firstChild); grandChild = grandChild.nextSibling; } // Allow the value to be null or undefined (or a value) if (null != key) { // && null != value) { data[key] = value; key = value = null; } } child = child.nextSibling; } return data; } } throw { code: 10001, data: node.nodeName }; } /* Function: xajax.tools.getRequestObject Construct an XMLHttpRequest object dependent on the capabilities of the browser. Returns: object - Javascript XHR object. */ xajax.tools.getRequestObject = function() { if ('undefined' != typeof XMLHttpRequest) { xajax.tools.getRequestObject = function() { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } } else if ('undefined' != typeof ActiveXObject) { xajax.tools.getRequestObject = function() { try { return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0'); } catch (e) { xajax.tools.getRequestObject = function() { try { return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); } catch (e2) { xajax.tools.getRequestObject = function() { return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } return xajax.tools.getRequestObject(); } } return xajax.tools.getRequestObject(); } } } else if (window.createRequest) { xajax.tools.getRequestObject = function() { return window.createRequest(); } } else { xajax.tools.getRequestObject = function() { throw { code: 10002 }; } } // this would seem to cause an infinite loop, however, the function should // be reassigned by now and therefore, it will not loop. return xajax.tools.getRequestObject(); } /* Function: xajax.tools.getBrowserHTML Insert the specified string of HTML into the document, then extract it. This gives the browser the ability to validate the code and to apply any transformations it deems appropriate. Parameters: sValue - (string): A block of html code or text to be inserted into the browser's document. Returns: The (potentially modified) html code or text. */ xajax.tools.getBrowserHTML = function(sValue) { var oDoc = xajax.config.baseDocument; if (!oDoc.body) return ''; var elWorkspace = xajax.$('xajax_temp_workspace'); if (!elWorkspace) { elWorkspace = oDoc.createElement('div'); elWorkspace.setAttribute('id', 'xajax_temp_workspace'); elWorkspace.style.display = 'none'; elWorkspace.style.visibility = 'hidden'; oDoc.body.appendChild(elWorkspace); } elWorkspace.innerHTML = sValue; var browserHTML = elWorkspace.innerHTML; elWorkspace.innerHTML = ''; return browserHTML; } /* Function: xajax.tools.willChange Tests to see if the specified data is the same as the current value of the element's attribute. Parameters: element - (string or object): The element or it's unique name (specified by the ID attribute) attribute - (string): The name of the attribute. newData - (string): The value to be compared with the current value of the specified element. Returns: true - The specified value differs from the current attribute value. false - The specified value is the same as the current value. */ xajax.tools.willChange = function(element, attribute, newData) { if ('string' == typeof element) element = xajax.$(element); if (element) { var oldData; eval('oldData=element.'+attribute); return (newData != oldData); } return false; } /* Function: xajax.tools.getFormValues Build an associative array of form elements and their values from the specified form. Parameters: element - (string): The unique name (id) of the form to be processed. disabled - (boolean, optional): Include form elements which are currently disabled. prefix - (string, optional): A prefix used for selecting form elements. Returns: An associative array of form element id and value. */ xajax.tools.getFormValues = function(parent) { var submitDisabledElements = false; if (arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] == true) submitDisabledElements = true; var prefix = ''; if(arguments.length > 2) prefix = arguments[2]; if ('string' == typeof parent) parent = xajax.$(parent); var aFormValues = {}; // JW: Removing these tests so that form values can be retrieved from a specified // container element like a DIV, regardless of whether they exist in a form or not. // // if (parent.tagName) // if ('FORM' == parent.tagName.toUpperCase()) if (parent) if (parent.childNodes) xajax.tools._getFormValues(aFormValues, parent.childNodes, submitDisabledElements, prefix); return aFormValues; } /* Function: xajax.tools._getFormValues Used internally by to recursively get the value of form elements. This function will extract all form element values regardless of the depth of the element within the form. */ xajax.tools._getFormValues = function(aFormValues, children, submitDisabledElements, prefix) { var iLen = children.length; for (var i = 0; i < iLen; ++i) { var child = children[i]; if ('undefined' != typeof child.childNodes) xajax.tools._getFormValues(aFormValues, child.childNodes, submitDisabledElements, prefix); xajax.tools._getFormValue(aFormValues, child, submitDisabledElements, prefix); } } /* Function: xajax.tools._getFormValue Used internally by to extract a single form value. This will detect the type of element (radio, checkbox, multi-select) and add it's value(s) to the form values array. */ xajax.tools._getFormValue = function(aFormValues, child, submitDisabledElements, prefix) { if (!child.name) return; if ('PARAM' == child.tagName) return; if (child.disabled) if (true == child.disabled) if (false == submitDisabledElements) return; if (prefix != child.name.substring(0, prefix.length)) return; if (child.type) if (child.type == 'radio' || child.type == 'checkbox') if (false == child.checked) return; var name = child.name; var values = []; if ('select-multiple' == child.type) { var jLen = child.length; for (var j = 0; j < jLen; ++j) { var option = child.options[j]; if (true == option.selected) values.push(option.value); } } else { values = child.value; } var keyBegin = name.indexOf('['); if (0 <= keyBegin) { var n = name; var k = n.substr(0, n.indexOf('[')); var a = n.substr(n.indexOf('[')); if (typeof aFormValues[k] == 'undefined') aFormValues[k] = []; var p = aFormValues; // pointer reset while (a.length != 0) { var sa = a.substr(0, a.indexOf(']')+1); var lk = k; //save last key var lp = p; //save last pointer a = a.substr(a.indexOf(']')+1); p = p[k]; k = sa.substr(1, sa.length-2); if (k == '') { if ('select-multiple' == child.type) { k = lk; //restore last key p = lp; } else { k = p.length; } } if (typeof p[k] == 'undefined') p[k] = []; } p[k] = values; } else { aFormValues[name] = values; } } /* Function: xajax.tools.stripOnPrefix Detect, and if found, remove the prefix 'on' from the specified string. This is used while working with event handlers. Parameters: sEventName - (string): The string to be modified. Returns: string - The modified string. */ xajax.tools.stripOnPrefix = function(sEventName) { sEventName = sEventName.toLowerCase(); if (0 == sEventName.indexOf('on')) sEventName = sEventName.replace(/on/,''); return sEventName; } /* Function: xajax.tools.addOnPrefix Detect, and add if not found, the prefix 'on' from the specified string. This is used while working with event handlers. Parameters: sEventName - (string): The string to be modified. Returns: string - The modified string. */ xajax.tools.addOnPrefix = function(sEventName) { sEventName = sEventName.toLowerCase(); if (0 != sEventName.indexOf('on')) sEventName = 'on' + sEventName; return sEventName; } /* Class: xajax.tools.xml An object that contains utility function for processing xml response packets. */ xajax.tools.xml = {}; /* Function: xajax.tools.xml.parseAttributes Take the parameters passed in the command of the XML response and convert them to parameters of the args object. This will serve as the command object which will be stored in the response command queue. Parameters: child - (object): The xml child node which contains the attributes for the current response command. obj - (object): The current response command that will have the attributes applied. */ xajax.tools.xml.parseAttributes = function(child, obj) { var iLen = child.attributes.length; for (var i = 0; i < iLen; ++i) { var attr = child.attributes[i]; obj[attr.name] = attr.value; } } /* Function: xajax.tools.xml.parseChildren Parses the child nodes of the command of the response XML. Generally, the child nodes contain the data element of the command; this member may be an object, which will be deserialized by Parameters: child - (object): The xml node that contains the child (data) for the current response command object. obj - (object): The response command object. */ xajax.tools.xml.parseChildren = function(child, obj) { obj.data = ''; if (0 < child.childNodes.length) { if (1 < child.childNodes.length) { var grandChild = child.firstChild; do { if ('#cdata-section' == grandChild.nodeName || '#text' == grandChild.nodeName) { obj.data += grandChild.data; } } while (grandChild = grandChild.nextSibling); } else { var grandChild = child.firstChild; if ('xjxobj' == grandChild.nodeName) { obj.data = xajax.tools._nodeToObject(grandChild); return; } else if ('#cdata-section' == grandChild.nodeName || '#text' == grandChild.nodeName) { obj.data = grandChild.data; } } } else if ('undefined' != typeof child.data) { obj.data = child.data; } obj.data = xajax.tools._enforceDataType(obj.data); } /* Function: xajax.tools.xml.processFragment Parameters: xmlNode - (object): The first xml node in the xml fragment. seq - (number): A counter used to keep track of the sequence of this command in the response. oRet - (object): A variable that is used to return the request "return value" for use with synchronous requests. */ xajax.tools.xml.processFragment = function(xmlNode, seq, oRet, oRequest) { var xx = xajax; var xt = xx.tools; while (xmlNode) { if ('cmd' == xmlNode.nodeName) { var obj = {}; obj.fullName = '*unknown*'; obj.sequence = seq; obj.request = oRequest; obj.context = oRequest.context; xt.xml.parseAttributes(xmlNode, obj); xt.xml.parseChildren(xmlNode, obj); xt.queue.push(xx.response, obj); } else if ('xjxrv' == xmlNode.nodeName) { oRet = xt._nodeToObject(xmlNode.firstChild); } else if ('debugmsg' == xmlNode.nodeName) { // txt = xt._nodeToObject(xmlNode.firstChild); } else throw { code: 10004, data: xmlNode.nodeName } ++seq; xmlNode = xmlNode.nextSibling; } return oRet; } /* Class: xajax.tools.queue This contains the code and variables for building, populating and processing First In Last Out (FILO) buffers. */ xajax.tools.queue = {} /* Function: create Construct and return a new queue object. Parameters: size - (integer): The number of entries the queue will be able to hold. */ xajax.tools.queue.create = function(size) { return { start: 0, size: size, end: 0, commands: [], timeout: null } } /* Function: xajax.tools.queue.retry Maintains a retry counter for the given object. Parameters: obj - (object): The object to track the retry count for. count - (integer): The number of times the operation should be attempted before a failure is indicated. Returns: true - The object has not exhausted all the retries. false - The object has exhausted the retry count specified. */ xajax.tools.queue.retry = function(obj, count) { var retries = obj.retries; if (retries) { --retries; if (1 > retries) return false; } else retries = count; obj.retries = retries; return true; } /* Function: xajax.tools.queue.rewind Rewind the buffer head pointer, effectively reinserting the last retrieved object into the buffer. Parameters: theQ - (object): The queue to be rewound. */ xajax.tools.queue.rewind = function(theQ) { if (0 < theQ.start) --theQ.start; else theQ.start = theQ.size; } /* Function: xajax.tools.queue.setWakeup Set or reset a timeout that is used to restart processing of the queue. This allows the queue to asynchronously wait for an event to occur (giving the browser time to process pending events, like loading files) Parameters: theQ - (object): The queue to process upon timeout. when - (integer): The number of milliseconds to wait before starting/ restarting the processing of the queue. */ xajax.tools.queue.setWakeup = function(theQ, when) { if (null != theQ.timeout) { clearTimeout(theQ.timeout); theQ.timeout = null; } theQ.timout = setTimeout(function() { xajax.tools.queue.process(theQ); }, when); } /* Function: xajax.tools.queue.process While entries exist in the queue, pull and entry out and process it's command. When a command returns false, the processing is halted. Parameters: theQ - (object): The queue object to process. This should have been crated by calling . Returns: true - The queue was fully processed and is now empty. false - The queue processing was halted before the queue was fully processed. Note: - Use or call this function to cause the queue processing to continue. - This will clear the associated timeout, this function is not designed to be reentrant. - When an exception is caught, do nothing; if the debug module is installed, it will catch the exception and handle it. */ xajax.tools.queue.process = function(theQ) { if (null != theQ.timeout) { clearTimeout(theQ.timeout); theQ.timeout = null; } var obj = xajax.tools.queue.pop(theQ); while (null != obj) { try { if (false == xajax.executeCommand(obj)) return false; } catch (e) { } delete obj; obj = xajax.tools.queue.pop(theQ); } return true; } /* Function: xajax.tools.queue.push Push a new object into the tail of the buffer maintained by the specified queue object. Parameters: theQ - (object): The queue in which you would like the object stored. obj - (object): The object you would like stored in the queue. */ xajax.tools.queue.push = function(theQ, obj) { var next = theQ.end + 1; if (next > theQ.size) next = 0; if (next != theQ.start) { theQ.commands[theQ.end] = obj; theQ.end = next; } else throw { code: 10003 } } /* Function: xajax.tools.queue.pushFront Push a new object into the head of the buffer maintained by the specified queue object. This effectively pushes an object to the front of the queue... it will be processed first. Parameters: theQ - (object): The queue in which you would like the object stored. obj - (object): The object you would like stored in the queue. */ xajax.tools.queue.pushFront = function(theQ, obj) { xajax.tools.queue.rewind(theQ); theQ.commands[theQ.start] = obj; } /* Function: xajax.tools.queue.pop Attempt to pop an object off the head of the queue. Parameters: theQ - (object): The queue object you would like to modify. Returns: object - The object that was at the head of the queue or null if the queue was empty. */ xajax.tools.queue.pop = function(theQ) { var next = theQ.start; if (next == theQ.end) return null; next++; if (next > theQ.size) next = 0; var obj = theQ.commands[theQ.start]; delete theQ.commands[theQ.start]; theQ.start = next; return obj; } /* Class: xajax.responseProcessor */ xajax.responseProcessor = {}; /* Function: xajax.responseProcessor.xml Parse the response XML into a series of commands. The commands are constructed by calling and . Parameters: oRequest - (object): The request context object. */ xajax.responseProcessor.xml = function(oRequest) { var xx = xajax; var xt = xx.tools; var xcb = xx.callback; var gcb = xcb.global; var lcb = oRequest.callback; var oRet = oRequest.returnValue; if (xt.arrayContainsValue(xx.responseSuccessCodes, oRequest.request.status)) { xcb.execute([gcb, lcb], 'onSuccess', oRequest); var seq = 0; if (oRequest.request.responseXML) { var responseXML = oRequest.request.responseXML; if (responseXML.documentElement) { oRequest.status.onProcessing(); var child = responseXML.documentElement.firstChild; if (child.nodeType===3) { dialogMessage.viewAlert('Error: '+child.nodeValue, dialogMessage.TYPE_ERROR); } else { oRet = xt.xml.processFragment(child, seq, oRet, oRequest); } } } var obj = {}; obj.fullName = 'Response Complete'; obj.sequence = seq; obj.request = oRequest; obj.context = oRequest.context; obj.cmd = 'rcmplt'; xt.queue.push(xx.response, obj); // do not re-start the queue if a timeout is set if (null == xx.response.timeout) xt.queue.process(xx.response); } else if (xt.arrayContainsValue(xx.responseRedirectCodes, oRequest.request.status)) { xcb.execute([gcb, lcb], 'onRedirect', oRequest); window.location = oRequest.request.getResponseHeader('location'); xx.completeResponse(oRequest); } else if (xt.arrayContainsValue(xx.responseErrorsForAlert, oRequest.request.status)) { xcb.execute([gcb, lcb], 'onFailure', oRequest); xx.completeResponse(oRequest); } return oRet; } /* Class: xajax.js Contains the functions for javascript file and function manipulation. */ xajax.js = {} /* Function: xajax.js.includeScriptOnce Add a reference to the specified script file if one does not already exist in the HEAD of the current document. This will effecitvely cause the script file to be loaded in the browser. Parameters: fileName - (string): The URI of the file. Returns: true - The reference exists or was added. */ xajax.js.includeScriptOnce = function(command) { command.fullName = 'includeScriptOnce'; var fileName = command.data; //Added by Christian Koller - untermStrich fileName = xajax.js.getPartBeforeQuestionmark(fileName); //END Added by Christian Koller - untermStrich // Check for existing script tag for this file. var oDoc = xajax.config.baseDocument; var loadedScripts = oDoc.getElementsByTagName('script'); var iLen = loadedScripts.length; for (var i = 0; i < iLen; ++i) { var script = loadedScripts[i]; if (script.src) { //Added by Christian Koller - untermStrich var script_src = xajax.js.getPartBeforeQuestionmark(script.src); //END Added by Christian Koller - untermStrich if (0 <= script_src.indexOf(fileName)) { return true; } } } return xajax.js.includeScript(command); } //Added by Christian Koller - untermStrich /* Remove the part after ? for the test */ xajax.js.getPartBeforeQuestionmark = function(data) { var questpos = data.indexOf('?'); if (questpos) { data = data.substring(0, questpos); } return data; } //END Added by Christian Koller - untermStrich /* Function: xajax.js.includeScript Adds a SCRIPT tag referencing the specified file. This effectively causes the script to be loaded in the browser. Parameters: command (object) - Xajax response object Returns: true - The reference was added. */ xajax.js.includeScript = function(command) { command.fullName = 'includeScript'; var oDoc = xajax.config.baseDocument; var objHead = oDoc.getElementsByTagName('head'); var objScript = oDoc.createElement('script'); objScript.src = command.data; if ('undefined' == typeof command.type) objScript.type = 'text/javascript'; else objScript.type = command.type; if ('undefined' != typeof command.type) objScript.setAttribute('id', command.elm_id); objHead[0].appendChild(objScript); return true; } /* Function: xajax.js.removeScript Locates a SCRIPT tag in the HEAD of the document which references the specified file and removes it. Parameters: command (object) - Xajax response object Returns: true - The script was not found or was removed. */ xajax.js.removeScript = function(command) { command.fullName = 'removeScript'; var fileName = command.data; var unload = command.unld; var oDoc = xajax.config.baseDocument; var loadedScripts = oDoc.getElementsByTagName('script'); var iLen = loadedScripts.length; for (var i = 0; i < iLen; ++i) { var script = loadedScripts[i]; if (script.src) { if (0 <= script.src.indexOf(fileName)) { if ('undefined' != typeof unload) { var args = {}; args.data = unload; args.context = window; xajax.js.execute(args); } var parent = script.parentNode; parent.removeChild(script); } } } return true; } /* Function: xajax.js.sleep Causes the processing of items in the queue to be delayed for the specified amount of time. This is an asynchronous operation, therefore, other operations will be given an opportunity to execute during this delay. Parameters: args - (object): The response command containing the following parameters. - args.prop: The number of 10ths of a second to sleep. Returns: true - The sleep operation completed. false - The sleep time has not yet expired, continue sleeping. */ xajax.js.sleep = function(command) { command.fullName = 'sleep'; // inject a delay in the queue processing // handle retry counter if (xajax.tools.queue.retry(command, command.prop)) { xajax.tools.queue.setWakeup(xajax.response, 100); return false; } // wake up, continue processing queue return true; } /* Function: xajax.js.confirmCommands Prompt the user with the specified text, if the user responds by clicking cancel, then skip the specified number of commands in the response command queue. If the user clicks Ok, the command processing resumes normal operation. Parameters: command (object) - xajax response object Returns: true - The operation completed successfully. */ xajax.js.confirmCommands = function(command) { command.fullName = 'confirmCommands'; var msg = command.data; var numberOfCommands = command.id; if (false == confirm(msg)) { while (0 < numberOfCommands) { xajax.tools.queue.pop(xajax.response); --numberOfCommands; } } return true; } /* Function: xajax.js.execute Execute the specified string of javascript code, using the current script context. Parameters: args - The response command object containing the following: - args.data: (string): The javascript to be evaluated. - args.context: (object): The javascript object that to be referenced as 'this' in the script. Returns: unknown - A value set by the script using 'returnValue = ' true - If the script does not set a returnValue. Modified by Christian Koller - untermStrich */ xajax.js.execute = function(args) { args.fullName = 'execute Javascript'; args.context.xajaxDelegateCall = function() { try { eval(args.data); } catch (e) { dialogMessage.viewAlert('Error: '+e.toString()+'\n'+args.data, dialogMessage.TYPE_ERROR); if ("undefined"!==typeof(console)) { console.log('Execute',args); } return false; } return true; } return args.context.xajaxDelegateCall(); } /* Function: xajax.js.waitFor Test for the specified condition, using the current script context; if the result is false, sleep for 1/10th of a second and try again. Parameters: args - The response command object containing the following: - args.data: (string): The javascript to evaluate. - args.prop: (integer): The number of 1/10ths of a second to wait before giving up. - args.context: (object): The current script context object which is accessable in the javascript being evaulated via the 'this' keyword. Returns: false - The condition evaulates to false and the sleep time has not expired. true - The condition evaluates to true or the sleep time has expired. Modified by Christian Koller - untermStrich */ xajax.js.waitFor = function(args) { args.fullName = 'waitFor'; var bResult = false; var cmdToEval = 'bResult = ('; cmdToEval += args.data; cmdToEval += ');'; try { args.context.xajaxDelegateCall = function() { eval(cmdToEval); } args.context.xajaxDelegateCall(); } catch (e) { dialogMessage.viewAlert('Error: '+e.toString(), dialogMessage.TYPE_ERROR); return false; } if (false == bResult) { // inject a delay in the queue processing // handle retry counter if (xajax.tools.queue.retry(args, args.prop)) { xajax.tools.queue.setWakeup(xajax.response, 100); return false; } // give up, continue processing queue } return true; } /* Function: xajax.js.call Call a javascript function with a series of parameters using the current script context. Parameters: args - The response command object containing the following: - args.data: (array): The parameters to pass to the function. - args.func: (string): The name of the function to call. - args.context: (object): The current script context object which is accessable in the function name via the 'this' keyword. Returns: true - The call completed successfully. */ xajax.js.call = function(args) { args.fullName = 'call js function'; var parameters = args.data; var scr = new Array(); scr.push(args.func); scr.push('('); if ('undefined' != typeof parameters) { if ('object' == typeof parameters) { var iLen = parameters.length; if (0 < iLen) { scr.push('parameters[0]'); for (var i = 1; i < iLen; ++i) scr.push(', parameters[' + i + ']'); } } } scr.push(');'); args.context.xajaxDelegateCall = function() { eval(scr.join('')); } args.context.xajaxDelegateCall(); return true; } /* Function: xajax.js.setFunction Constructs the specified function using the specified javascript as the body of the function. Parameters: args - The response command object which contains the following: - args.func: (string): The name of the function to construct. - args.data: (string): The script that will be the function body. - args.context: (object): The current script context object which is accessable in the script name via the 'this' keyword. Returns: true - The function was constructed successfully. */ xajax.js.setFunction = function(args) { args.fullName = 'setFunction'; var code = new Array(); code.push(args.func); code.push(' = function('); if ('object' == typeof args.prop) { var separator = ''; for (var m in args.prop) { code.push(separator); code.push(args.prop[m]); separator = ','; } } else code.push(args.prop); code.push(') { '); code.push(args.data); code.push(' }'); args.context.xajaxDelegateCall = function() { eval(code.join('')); } args.context.xajaxDelegateCall(); return true; } /* Function: xajax.js.wrapFunction Construct a javascript function which will call the original function with the same name, potentially executing code before and after the call to the original function. Parameters: args - (object): The response command object which will contain the following: - args.func: (string): The name of the function to be wrapped. - args.prop: (string): List of parameters used when calling the function. - args.data: (array): The portions of code to be called before, after or even between calls to the original function. - args.context: (object): The current script context object which is accessable in the function name and body via the 'this' keyword. Returns: true - The wrapper function was constructed successfully. */ xajax.js.wrapFunction = function(args) { args.fullName = 'wrapFunction'; var code = new Array(); code.push(args.func); code.push(' = xajax.js.makeWrapper('); code.push(args.func); code.push(', args.prop, args.data, args.type, args.context);'); args.context.xajaxDelegateCall = function() { eval(code.join('')); } args.context.xajaxDelegateCall(); return true; } /* Function: xajax.js.makeWrapper Helper function used in the wrapping of an existing javascript function. Parameters: origFun - (string): The name of the original function. args - (string): The list of parameters used when calling the function. codeBlocks - (array): Array of strings of javascript code to be executed before, after and perhaps between calls to the original function. returnVariable - (string): The name of the variable used to retain the return value from the call to the original function. context - (object): The current script context object which is accessable in the function name and body via the 'this' keyword. Returns: object - The complete wrapper function. */ xajax.js.makeWrapper = function(origFun, args, codeBlocks, returnVariable, context) { var originalCall = ''; if (0 < returnVariable.length) { originalCall += returnVariable; originalCall += ' = '; } var originalCall = 'origFun('; originalCall += args; originalCall += '); '; var code = 'wrapper = function('; code += args; code += ') { '; if (0 < returnVariable.length) { code += ' var '; code += returnVariable; code += ' = null;'; } var separator = ''; var bLen = codeBlocks.length; for (var b = 0; b < bLen; ++b) { code += separator; code += codeBlocks[b]; separator = originalCall; } if (0 < returnVariable.length) { code += ' return '; code += returnVariable; code += ';'; } code += ' } '; var wrapper = null; context.xajaxDelegateCall = function() { eval(code); } context.xajaxDelegateCall(); return wrapper; } /* Class: xajax.dom */ xajax.dom = {} /* Function: xajax.dom.assign Assign an element's attribute to the specified value. Parameters: element - (object): The HTML element to effect. property - (string): The name of the attribute to set. data - (string): The new value to be applied. Returns: true - The operation completed successfully. */ xajax.dom.assign = function(element, property, data) { if ('string' == typeof element) element = xajax.$(element); switch (property) { case 'innerHTML': element.innerHTML = data; break; case 'outerHTML': if ('undefined' == typeof element.outerHTML) { var r = xajax.config.baseDocument.createRange(); r.setStartBefore(element); var df = r.createContextualFragment(data); element.parentNode.replaceChild(df, element); } else element.outerHTML = data; break; default: if (xajax.tools.willChange(element, property, data)) eval('element.' + property + ' = data;'); break; } return true; } /* Function: xajax.dom.append Append the specified value to an element's attribute. Parameters: element - (object): The HTML element to effect. property - (string): The name of the attribute to append to. data - (string): The new value to be appended. Returns: true - The operation completed successfully. */ xajax.dom.append = function(element, property, data) { if ('string' == typeof element) element = xajax.$(element); eval('element.' + property + ' += data;'); return true; } /* Function: xajax.dom.prepend Prepend the specified value to an element's attribute. Parameters: element - (object): The HTML element to effect. property - (string): The name of the attribute. data - (string): The new value to be prepended. Returns: true - The operation completed successfully. */ xajax.dom.prepend = function(element, property, data) { if ('string' == typeof element) element = xajax.$(element); eval('element.' + property + ' = data + element.' + property); return true; } /* Function: xajax.dom.replace Search and replace the specified text. Parameters: element - (string or object): The name of, or the element itself which is to be modified. sAttribute - (string): The name of the attribute to be set. aData - (array): The search text and replacement text. Returns: true - The operation completed successfully. */ xajax.dom.replace = function(element, sAttribute, aData) { var sSearch = aData['s']; var sReplace = aData['r']; if (sAttribute == 'innerHTML') sSearch = xajax.tools.getBrowserHTML(sSearch); if ('string' == typeof element) element = xajax.$(element); eval('var txt = element.' + sAttribute); var bFunction = false; if ('function' == typeof txt) { txt = txt.join(''); bFunction = true; } var start = txt.indexOf(sSearch); if (start > -1) { var newTxt = []; while (start > -1) { var end = start + sSearch.length; newTxt.push(txt.substr(0, start)); newTxt.push(sReplace); txt = txt.substr(end, txt.length - end); start = txt.indexOf(sSearch); } newTxt.push(txt); newTxt = newTxt.join(''); if (bFunction) { eval('element.' + sAttribute + '=newTxt;'); } else if (xajax.tools.willChange(element, sAttribute, newTxt)) { eval('element.' + sAttribute + '=newTxt;'); } } return true; } /* Function: xajax.dom.remove Delete an element. Parameters: element - (string or object): The name of, or the element itself which will be deleted. Returns: true - The operation completed successfully. */ xajax.dom.remove = function(element) { if ('string' == typeof element) element = xajax.$(element); if (element && element.parentNode && element.parentNode.removeChild) element.parentNode.removeChild(element); return true; } /* Function: xajax.dom.create Create a new element and append it to the specified parent element. Parameters: objParent - (string or object): The name of, or the element itself which will contain the new element. sTag - (string): The tag name for the new element. sId - (string): The value to be assigned to the id attribute of the new element. Returns: true - The operation completed successfully. */ xajax.dom.create = function(objParent, sTag, sId) { if ('string' == typeof objParent) objParent = xajax.$(objParent); var target = xajax.config.baseDocument.createElement(sTag); target.setAttribute('id', sId); if (objParent) objParent.appendChild(target); return true; } /* Function: xajax.dom.insert Insert a new element before the specified element. Parameters: objSibling - (string or object): The name of, or the element itself that will be used as the reference point for insertion. sTag - (string): The tag name for the new element. sId - (string): The value that will be assigned to the new element's id attribute. Returns: true - The operation completed successfully. */ xajax.dom.insert = function(objSibling, sTag, sId) { if ('string' == typeof objSibling) objSibling = xajax.$(objSibling); var target = xajax.config.baseDocument.createElement(sTag); target.setAttribute('id', sId); objSibling.parentNode.insertBefore(target, objSibling); return true; } /* Function: xajax.dom.insertAfter Insert a new element after the specified element. Parameters: objSibling - (string or object): The name of, or the element itself that will be used as the reference point for insertion. sTag - (string): The tag name for the new element. sId - (string): The value that will be assigned to the new element's id attribute. Returns: true - The operation completed successfully. */ xajax.dom.insertAfter = function(objSibling, sTag, sId) { if ('string' == typeof objSibling) objSibling = xajax.$(objSibling); var target = xajax.config.baseDocument.createElement(sTag); target.setAttribute('id', sId); objSibling.parentNode.insertBefore(target, objSibling.nextSibling); return true; } /* Function: xajax.dom.contextAssign Assign a value to a named member of the current script context object. Parameters: args - (object): The response command object which will contain the following: - args.prop: (string): The name of the member to assign. - args.data: (string or object): The value to assign to the member. - args.context: (object): The current script context object which is accessable via the 'this' keyword. Returns: true - The operation completed successfully. */ xajax.dom.contextAssign = function(args) { args.fullName = 'context assign'; var code = []; code.push('this.'); code.push(args.prop); code.push(' = data;'); code = code.join(''); args.context.xajaxDelegateCall = function(data) { eval(code); } args.context.xajaxDelegateCall(args.data); return true; } /* Function: xajax.dom.contextAppend Appends a value to a named member of the current script context object. Parameters: args - (object): The response command object which will contain the following: - args.prop: (string): The name of the member to append to. - args.data: (string or object): The value to append to the member. - args.context: (object): The current script context object which is accessable via the 'this' keyword. Returns: true - The operation completed successfully. */ xajax.dom.contextAppend = function(args) { args.fullName = 'context append'; var code = []; code.push('this.'); code.push(args.prop); code.push(' += data;'); code = code.join(''); args.context.xajaxDelegateCall = function(data) { eval(code); } args.context.xajaxDelegateCall(args.data); return true; } /* Function: xajax.dom.contextPrepend Prepend a value to a named member of the current script context object. Parameters: args - (object): The response command object which will contain the following: - args.prop: (string): The name of the member to prepend to. - args.data: (string or object): The value to prepend to the member. - args.context: (object): The current script context object which is accessable via the 'this' keyword. Returns: true - The operation completed successfully. */ xajax.dom.contextPrepend = function(args) { args.fullName = 'context prepend'; var code = []; code.push('this.'); code.push(args.prop); code.push(' = data + this.'); code.push(args.prop); code.push(';'); code = code.join(''); args.context.xajaxDelegateCall = function(data) { eval(code); } args.context.xajaxDelegateCall(args.data); return true; } /* Class: xajax.css */ xajax.css = {} /* Function: xajax.css.add Add a LINK reference to the specified .css file if it does not already exist in the HEAD of the current document. Parameters: filename - (string): The URI of the .css file to reference. media - (string): The media type of the css file (print/screen/handheld,..) Returns: true - The operation completed successfully. */ xajax.css.add = function(fileName, media) { var oDoc = xajax.config.baseDocument; var oHeads = oDoc.getElementsByTagName('head'); var oHead = oHeads[0]; var oLinks = oHead.getElementsByTagName('link'); var found = false; var iLen = oLinks.length; for (var i = 0; i < iLen && false == found; ++i) if (0 <= oLinks[i].href.indexOf(fileName) && oLinks[i].media == media) found = true; if (false == found) { var oCSS = oDoc.createElement('link'); oCSS.rel = 'stylesheet'; oCSS.type = 'text/css'; oCSS.href = fileName; oCSS.media = media; oHead.appendChild(oCSS); } return true; } /* Function: xajax.css.remove Locate and remove a LINK reference from the current document's HEAD. Parameters: filename - (string): The URI of the .css file. Returns: true - The operation completed successfully. */ xajax.css.remove = function(fileName, media) { var oDoc = xajax.config.baseDocument; var oHeads = oDoc.getElementsByTagName('head'); var oHead = oHeads[0]; var oLinks = oHead.getElementsByTagName('link'); var i = 0; while (i < oLinks.length) if (0 <= oLinks[i].href.indexOf(fileName) && oLinks[i].media == media) oHead.removeChild(oLinks[i]); else ++i; return true; } /* Function: xajax.css.waitForCSS Attempt to detect when all .css files have been loaded once they are referenced by a LINK tag in the HEAD of the current document. Parameters: args - (object): The response command object which will contain the following: - args.prop - (integer): The number of 1/10ths of a second to wait before giving up. Returns: true - The .css files appear to be loaded. false - The .css files do not appear to be loaded and the timeout has not expired. */ xajax.css.waitForCSS = function(args) { var oDocSS = xajax.config.baseDocument.styleSheets; var ssEnabled = []; var iLen = oDocSS.length; for (var i = 0; i < iLen; ++i) { ssEnabled[i] = 0; try { ssEnabled[i] = oDocSS[i].cssRules.length; } catch (e) { try { ssEnabled[i] = oDocSS[i].rules.length; } catch (e) { } } } var ssLoaded = true; var iLen = ssEnabled.length; for (var i = 0; i < iLen; ++i) if (0 == ssEnabled[i]) ssLoaded = false; if (false == ssLoaded) { // inject a delay in the queue processing // handle retry counter if (xajax.tools.queue.retry(args, args.prop)) { xajax.tools.queue.setWakeup(xajax.response, 10); return false; } // give up, continue processing queue } return true; } /* Class: xajax.forms */ xajax.forms = {} /* Function: xajax.forms.getInput Create and return a form input element with the specified parameters. Parameters: type - (string): The type of input element desired. name - (string): The value to be assigned to the name attribute. id - (string): The value to be assigned to the id attribute. Returns: object - The new input element. */ xajax.forms.getInput = function(type, name, id) { if ('undefined' == typeof window.addEventListener) { xajax.forms.getInput = function(type, name, id) { return xajax.config.baseDocument.createElement(''); } } else { xajax.forms.getInput = function(type, name, id) { var oDoc = xajax.config.baseDocument; var Obj = oDoc.createElement('input'); Obj.setAttribute('type', type); Obj.setAttribute('name', name); Obj.setAttribute('id', id); return Obj; } } return xajax.forms.getInput(type, name, id); } /* Function: xajax.forms.createInput Create a new input element under the specified parent. Parameters: objParent - (string or object): The name of, or the element itself that will be used as the reference for the insertion. sType - (string): The value to be assigned to the type attribute. sName - (string): The value to be assigned to the name attribute. sId - (string): The value to be assigned to the id attribute. Returns: true - The operation completed successfully. */ xajax.forms.createInput = function(command) { command.fullName = 'createInput'; var objParent = command.id; var sType = command.type; var sName = command.data; var sId = command.prop; if ('string' == typeof objParent) objParent = xajax.$(objParent); var target = xajax.forms.getInput(sType, sName, sId); if (objParent && target) { objParent.appendChild(target); } return true; } /* Function: xajax.forms.insertInput Insert a new input element before the specified element. Parameters: objSibling - (string or object): The name of, or the element itself that will be used as the reference for the insertion. sType - (string): The value to be assigned to the type attribute. sName - (string): The value to be assigned to the name attribute. sId - (string): The value to be assigned to the id attribute. Returns: true - The operation completed successfully. */ xajax.forms.insertInput = function(command) { command.fullName = 'insertInput'; var objSibling = command.id; var sType = command.type; var sName = command.data; var sId = command.prop; if ('string' == typeof objSibling) objSibling = xajax.$(objSibling); var target = xajax.forms.getInput(sType, sName, sId); if (target && objSibling && objSibling.parentNode) objSibling.parentNode.insertBefore(target, objSibling); return true; } /* Function: xajax.forms.insertInputAfter Insert a new input element after the specified element. Parameters: objSibling - (string or object): The name of, or the element itself that will be used as the reference for the insertion. sType - (string): The value to be assigned to the type attribute. sName - (string): The value to be assigned to the name attribute. sId - (string): The value to be assigned to the id attribute. Returns: true - The operation completed successfully. */ xajax.forms.insertInputAfter = function(command) { command.fullName = 'insertInputAfter'; var objSibling = command.id; var sType = command.type; var sName = command.data; var sId = command.prop; if ('string' == typeof objSibling) objSibling = xajax.$(objSibling); var target = xajax.forms.getInput(sType, sName, sId); if (target && objSibling && objSibling.parentNode) objSibling.parentNode.insertBefore(target, objSibling.nextSibling); return true; } /* Class: xajax.events */ xajax.events = {} /* Function: xajax.events.setEvent Set an event handler. Parameters: command - (object): Response command object. - id: Element ID - prop: Event - data: Code Returns: true - The operation completed successfully. */ xajax.events.setEvent = function(command) { command.fullName = 'addEvent'; var element = command.id; var sEvent = command.prop; var code = command.data; if ('string' == typeof element) element = xajax.$(element); sEvent = xajax.tools.addOnPrefix(sEvent); code = xajax.tools.doubleQuotes(code); eval('element.' + sEvent + ' = function() { ' + code + '; }'); return true; } /* Function: xajax.events.addHandler Add an event handler to the specified element. Parameters: element - (string or object): The name of, or the element itself which will have the event handler assigned. sEvent - (string): The name of the event. fun - (string): The function to be called. Returns: true - The operation completed successfully. */ xajax.events.addHandler = function(element, sEvent, fun) { if (window.addEventListener) { xajax.events.addHandler = function(command) { command.fullName = 'addHandler'; var element = command.id; var sEvent = command.prop; var fun = command.data; if ('string' == typeof element) element = xajax.$(element); sEvent = xajax.tools.stripOnPrefix(sEvent); eval('element.addEventListener("' + sEvent + '", ' + fun + ', false);'); return true; } } else { xajax.events.addHandler = function(command) { command.fullName = 'addHandler'; var element = command.id; var sEvent = command.prop; var fun = command.data; if ('string' == typeof element) element = xajax.$(element); sEvent = xajax.tools.addOnPrefix(sEvent); eval('element.attachEvent("' + sEvent + '", ' + fun + ', false);'); return true; } } return xajax.events.addHandler(element, sEvent, fun); } /* Function: xajax.events.removeHandler Remove an event handler from an element. Parameters: element - (string or object): The name of, or the element itself which will have the event handler removed. event - (string): The name of the event for which this handler is associated. fun - The function to be removed. Returns: true - The operation completed successfully. */ xajax.events.removeHandler = function(element, sEvent, fun) { if (window.removeEventListener) { xajax.events.removeHandler = function(command) { command.fullName = 'removeHandler'; var element = command.id; var sEvent = command.prop; var fun = command.data; if ('string' == typeof element) element = xajax.$(element); sEvent = xajax.tools.stripOnPrefix(sEvent); eval('element.removeEventListener("' + sEvent + '", ' + fun + ', false);'); return true; } } else { xajax.events.removeHandler = function(command) { command.fullName = 'removeHandler'; var element = command.id; var sEvent = command.prop; var fun = command.data; if ('string' == typeof element) element = xajax.$(element); sEvent = xajax.tools.addOnPrefix(sEvent); eval('element.detachEvent("' + sEvent + '", ' + fun + ', false);'); return true; } } return xajax.events.removeHandler(element, sEvent, fun); } /* Class: xajax.callback */ xajax.callback = {} /* Function: xajax.callback.create Create a blank callback object. Two optional arguments let you set the delay time for the onResponseDelay and onExpiration events. Returns: object - The callback object. */ xajax.callback.create = function() { var xx = xajax; var xc = xx.config; var xcb = xx.callback; var oCB = {} oCB.timers = {}; oCB.timers.onResponseDelay = xcb.setupTimer( (arguments.length > 0) ? arguments[0] : xc.defaultResponseDelayTime); oCB.timers.onExpiration = xcb.setupTimer( (arguments.length > 1) ? arguments[1] : xc.defaultExpirationTime); oCB.onRequest = null; oCB.onResponseDelay = null; oCB.onExpiration = null; oCB.beforeResponseProcessing = null; oCB.onFailure = null; oCB.onRedirect = null; oCB.onSuccess = null; oCB.onComplete = null; return oCB; } /* Function: xajax.callback.setupTimer Create a timer to fire an event in the future. This will be used fire the onRequestDelay and onExpiration events. Parameters: iDelay - (integer): The amount of time in milliseconds to delay. Returns: object - A callback timer object. */ xajax.callback.setupTimer = function(iDelay) { return { timer: null, delay: iDelay }; } /* Function: xajax.callback.clearTimer Clear a callback timer for the specified function. Parameters: oCallback - (object): The callback object (or objects) that contain the specified function timer to be cleared. sFunction - (string): The name of the function associated with the timer to be cleared. */ xajax.callback.clearTimer = function(oCallback, sFunction) { if ('undefined' != typeof oCallback.timers) { if ('undefined' != typeof oCallback.timers[sFunction]) { clearTimeout(oCallback.timers[sFunction].timer); } } else if ('object' == typeof oCallback) { var iLen = oCallback.length; for (var i = 0; i < iLen; ++i) xajax.callback.clearTimer(oCallback[i], sFunction); } } /* Function: xajax.callback.execute Execute a callback event. Parameters: oCallback - (object): The callback object (or objects) which contain the event handlers to be executed. sFunction - (string): The name of the event to be triggered. args - (object): The request object for this request. */ xajax.callback.execute = function(oCallback, sFunction, args) { if ('undefined' != typeof oCallback[sFunction]) { var func = oCallback[sFunction]; if ('function' == typeof func) { if ('undefined' != typeof oCallback.timers[sFunction]) { oCallback.timers[sFunction].timer = setTimeout(function() { func(args); }, oCallback.timers[sFunction].delay); } else { func(args); } } } else if ('object' == typeof oCallback) { var iLen = oCallback.length; for (var i = 0; i < iLen; ++i) xajax.callback.execute(oCallback[i], sFunction, args); } } /* Class: xajax.callback.global The global callback object which is active for every request. */ xajax.callback.global = xajax.callback.create(); /* Class: xajax */ /* Object: xajax.response The response queue that holds response commands, once received from the server, until they are processed. */ xajax.response = xajax.tools.queue.create(xajax.config.responseQueueSize); /* Object: responseSuccessCodes This array contains a list of codes which will be returned from the server upon successful completion of the server portion of the request. These values should match those specified in the HTTP standard. */ xajax.responseSuccessCodes = ['0', '200']; // 10.4.1 400 Bad Request // 10.4.2 401 Unauthorized // 10.4.3 402 Payment Required // 10.4.4 403 Forbidden // 10.4.5 404 Not Found // 10.4.6 405 Method Not Allowed // 10.4.7 406 Not Acceptable // 10.4.8 407 Proxy Authentication Required // 10.4.9 408 Request Timeout // 10.4.10 409 Conflict // 10.4.11 410 Gone // 10.4.12 411 Length Required // 10.4.13 412 Precondition Failed // 10.4.14 413 Request Entity Too Large // 10.4.15 414 Request-URI Too Long // 10.4.16 415 Unsupported Media Type // 10.4.17 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable // 10.4.18 417 Expectation Failed // 10.5 Server Error 5xx // 10.5.1 500 Internal Server Error // 10.5.2 501 Not Implemented // 10.5.3 502 Bad Gateway // 10.5.4 503 Service Unavailable // 10.5.5 504 Gateway Timeout // 10.5.6 505 HTTP Version Not Supported /* Object: responseErrorsForAlert This array contains a list of status codes returned by the server to indicate that the request failed for some reason. */ xajax.responseErrorsForAlert = ['400','401','402','403','404','500','501','502','503']; // 10.3.1 300 Multiple Choices // 10.3.2 301 Moved Permanently // 10.3.3 302 Found // 10.3.4 303 See Other // 10.3.5 304 Not Modified // 10.3.6 305 Use Proxy // 10.3.7 306 (Unused) // 10.3.8 307 Temporary Redirect /* Object: responseRedirectCodes An array of status codes returned from the server to indicate a request for redirect to another URL. Typically, this is used by the server to send the browser to another URL. This does not typically indicate that the xajax request should be sent to another URL. */ xajax.responseRedirectCodes = ['301','302','307']; /* Class: xajax.command The object that manages commands and command handlers. */ if ('undefined' == typeof xajax.command) xajax.command = {}; /* Function: xajax.command.create Creates a new command (object) that will be populated with command parameters and eventually passed to the command handler. */ xajax.command.create = function(sequence, request, context) { var newCmd = {}; newCmd.cmd = '*'; newCmd.fullName = '* unknown command name *'; newCmd.sequence = sequence; newCmd.request = request; newCmd.context = context; return newCmd; } /* Class: xajax.command.handler The object that manages command handlers. */ if ('undefined' == typeof xajax.command.handler) xajax.command.handler = {}; /* Object: handlers An array that is used internally in the xajax.command.handler object to keep track of command handlers that have been registered. */ if ('undefined' == typeof xajax.command.handler.handlers) xajax.command.handler.handlers = []; /* Function: xajax.command.handler.register Registers a new command handler. */ xajax.command.handler.register = function(shortName, func) { xajax.command.handler.handlers[shortName] = func; } /* Function: xajax.command.handler.unregister Unregisters and returns a command handler. Parameters: shortName - (string): The name of the command handler. Returns: func - (function): The unregistered function. */ xajax.command.handler.unregister = function(shortName) { var func = xajax.command.handler.handlers[shortName]; delete xajax.command.handler.handlers[shortName]; return func; } /* Function: xajax.command.handler.isRegistered Parameters: command - (object): - cmd: The Name of the function. Returns: boolean - (true or false): depending on whether a command handler has been created for the specified command (object). */ xajax.command.handler.isRegistered = function(command) { var shortName = command.cmd; if (xajax.command.handler.handlers[shortName]) return true; return false; } /* Function: xajax.command.handler.call Calls the registered command handler for the specified command (you should always check isRegistered before calling this function) Parameters: command - (object): - cmd: The Name of the function. Returns: true - (boolean) : */ xajax.command.handler.call = function(command) { var shortName = command.cmd; return xajax.command.handler.handlers[shortName](command); } xajax.command.handler.register('rcmplt', function(args) { xajax.completeResponse(args.request); return true; }); xajax.command.handler.register('css', function(args) { args.fullName = 'includeCSS'; if ('undefined' == typeof args.media) args.media = 'screen'; return xajax.css.add(args.data, args.media); }); xajax.command.handler.register('rcss', function(args) { args.fullName = 'removeCSS'; if ('undefined' == typeof args.media) args.media = 'screen'; return xajax.css.remove(args.data, args.media); }); xajax.command.handler.register('wcss', function(args) { args.fullName = 'waitForCSS'; return xajax.css.waitForCSS(args); }); /* * Modified by Christian Koller - untermStrich */ xajax.command.handler.register('as', function(args) { args.fullName = 'assign/clear'; try { return xajax.dom.assign(args.target, args.prop, args.data); } catch (e) { // do nothing, if the debug module is installed it will // catch and handle the exception dialogMessage.viewAlert('Error: '+e.toString()+" on "+args.id, dialogMessage.TYPE_ERROR); if ("undefined"!==typeof(console)) { console.log('Assign',args); } //return false; } return true; }); xajax.command.handler.register('ap', function(args) { args.fullName = 'append'; $(args.target).append(args.data); return true; }); xajax.command.handler.register('pp', function(args) { args.fullName = 'prepend'; return xajax.dom.prepend(args.target, args.prop, args.data); }); xajax.command.handler.register('rp', function(args) { args.fullName = 'replace'; return xajax.dom.replace(args.id, args.prop, args.data); }); xajax.command.handler.register('rm', function(args) { args.fullName = 'remove'; return xajax.dom.remove(args.id); }); xajax.command.handler.register('ce', function(args) { args.fullName = 'create'; return xajax.dom.create(args.id, args.data, args.prop); }); xajax.command.handler.register('ie', function(args) { args.fullName = 'insert'; return xajax.dom.insert(args.id, args.data, args.prop); }); xajax.command.handler.register('ia', function(args) { args.fullName = 'insertAfter'; return xajax.dom.insertAfter(args.id, args.data, args.prop); }); xajax.command.handler.register('c:as', xajax.dom.contextAssign); xajax.command.handler.register('c:ap', xajax.dom.contextAppend); xajax.command.handler.register('c:pp', xajax.dom.contextPrepend); xajax.command.handler.register('s', xajax.js.sleep); xajax.command.handler.register('ino', xajax.js.includeScriptOnce); xajax.command.handler.register('in', xajax.js.includeScript); xajax.command.handler.register('rjs', xajax.js.removeScript); xajax.command.handler.register('wf', xajax.js.waitFor); //Added try xajax.command.handler.register('js', xajax.js.execute); //Added try xajax.command.handler.register('jc', xajax.js.call); xajax.command.handler.register('sf', xajax.js.setFunction); xajax.command.handler.register('wpf', xajax.js.wrapFunction); xajax.command.handler.register('al', function(args) { args.fullName = 'alert'; alert(args.data); return true; }); xajax.command.handler.register('cc', xajax.js.confirmCommands); xajax.command.handler.register('ci', xajax.forms.createInput); xajax.command.handler.register('ii', xajax.forms.insertInput); xajax.command.handler.register('iia', xajax.forms.insertInputAfter); xajax.command.handler.register('ev', xajax.events.setEvent); xajax.command.handler.register('ah', xajax.events.addHandler); xajax.command.handler.register('rh', xajax.events.removeHandler); xajax.command.handler.register('dbg', function(args) { args.fullName = 'debug message'; return true; }); /* Function: xajax.initializeRequest Initialize a request object, populating default settings, where call specific settings are not already provided. Parameters: oRequest - (object): An object that specifies call specific settings that will, in addition, be used to store all request related values. This includes temporary values used internally by xajax. */ xajax.initializeRequest = function(oRequest) { var xx = xajax; var xc = xx.config; oRequest.append = function(opt, def) { if ('undefined' != typeof this[opt]) { for (var itmName in def) if ('undefined' == typeof this[opt][itmName]) this[opt][itmName] = def[itmName]; } else this[opt] = def; } oRequest.append('commonHeaders', xc.commonHeaders); oRequest.append('postHeaders', xc.postHeaders); oRequest.append('getHeaders', xc.getHeaders); oRequest.set = function(option, defaultValue) { if ('undefined' == typeof this[option]) this[option] = defaultValue; } oRequest.set('statusMessages', xc.statusMessages); oRequest.set('waitCursor', xc.waitCursor); oRequest.set('mode', xc.defaultMode); oRequest.set('method', xc.defaultMethod); oRequest.set('URI', xc.requestURI); oRequest.set('httpVersion', xc.defaultHttpVersion); oRequest.set('contentType', xc.defaultContentType); oRequest.set('retry', xc.defaultRetry); oRequest.set('returnValue', xc.defaultReturnValue); oRequest.set('maxObjectDepth', xc.maxObjectDepth); oRequest.set('maxObjectSize', xc.maxObjectSize); oRequest.set('context', window); var xcb = xx.callback; var gcb = xcb.global; var lcb = xcb.create(); lcb.take = function(frm, opt) { if ('undefined' != typeof frm[opt]) { lcb[opt] = frm[opt]; lcb.hasEvents = true; } delete frm[opt]; } lcb.take(oRequest, 'onRequest'); lcb.take(oRequest, 'onResponseDelay'); lcb.take(oRequest, 'onExpiration'); lcb.take(oRequest, 'beforeResponseProcessing'); lcb.take(oRequest, 'onFailure'); lcb.take(oRequest, 'onRedirect'); lcb.take(oRequest, 'onSuccess'); lcb.take(oRequest, 'onComplete'); if ('undefined' != typeof oRequest.callback) { if (lcb.hasEvents) oRequest.callback = [oRequest.callback, lcb]; } else oRequest.callback = lcb; oRequest.status = (oRequest.statusMessages) ? xc.status.update() : xc.status.dontUpdate(); oRequest.cursor = (oRequest.waitCursor) ? xc.cursor.update() : xc.cursor.dontUpdate(); oRequest.method = oRequest.method.toUpperCase(); if ('GET' != oRequest.method) oRequest.method = 'POST'; // W3C: Method is case sensitive oRequest.requestRetry = oRequest.retry; oRequest.append('postHeaders', { 'content-type': oRequest.contentType }); delete oRequest['append']; delete oRequest['set']; delete oRequest['take']; if ('undefined' == typeof oRequest.URI) throw { code: 10005 } } /* Function: xajax.processParameters Processes request specific parameters and generates the temporary variables needed by xajax to initiate and process the request. Parameters: oRequest - A request object, created initially by a call to Note: This is called once per request; upon a request failure, this will not be called for additional retries. */ xajax.processParameters = function(oRequest) { var xx = xajax; var xt = xx.tools; var rd = []; var separator = ''; for (var sCommand in oRequest.functionName) { if ('constructor' != sCommand) { rd.push(separator); rd.push(sCommand); rd.push('='); rd.push(encodeURIComponent(oRequest.functionName[sCommand])); separator = '&'; } } var dNow = new Date(); rd.push('&xjxr='); rd.push(dNow.getTime()); delete dNow; if (oRequest.parameters) { var i = 0; var iLen = oRequest.parameters.length; while (i < iLen) { var oVal = oRequest.parameters[i]; if ('object' == typeof oVal && null != oVal) { try { var oGuard = {}; oGuard.depth = 0; oGuard.maxDepth = oRequest.maxObjectDepth; oGuard.size = 0; oGuard.maxSize = oRequest.maxObjectSize; oVal = xt._objectToXML(oVal, oGuard); } catch (e) { oVal = ''; // do nothing, if the debug module is installed // it will catch the exception and handle it } rd.push('&xjxargs[]='); oVal = encodeURIComponent(oVal); rd.push(oVal); ++i; } else { rd.push('&xjxargs[]='); oVal = xt._escape(oVal); if ('undefined' == typeof oVal || null == oVal) { rd.push('*'); } else { var sType = typeof oVal; if ('string' == sType) rd.push('S'); else if ('boolean' == sType) rd.push('B'); else if ('number' == sType) rd.push('N'); oVal = encodeURIComponent(oVal); rd.push(oVal); } ++i; } } } oRequest.requestURI = oRequest.URI; if ('GET' == oRequest.method) { oRequest.requestURI += oRequest.requestURI.indexOf('?')== -1 ? '?' : '&'; oRequest.requestURI += rd.join(''); rd = []; } oRequest.requestData = rd.join(''); } /* Function: xajax.prepareRequest Prepares the XMLHttpRequest object for this xajax request. Parameters: oRequest - (object): An object created by a call to which already contains the necessary parameters and temporary variables needed to initiate and process a xajax request. Note: This is called each time a request object is being prepared for a call to the server. If the request is retried, the request must be prepared again. */ xajax.prepareRequest = function(oRequest) { var xx = xajax; var xt = xx.tools; oRequest.request = xt.getRequestObject(); oRequest.setRequestHeaders = function(headers) { if ('object' == typeof headers) { for (var optionName in headers) this.request.setRequestHeader(optionName, headers[optionName]); } } oRequest.setCommonRequestHeaders = function() { this.setRequestHeaders(this.commonHeaders); } oRequest.setPostRequestHeaders = function() { this.setRequestHeaders(this.postHeaders); } oRequest.setGetRequestHeaders = function() { this.setRequestHeaders(this.getHeaders); } if ('asynchronous' == oRequest.mode) { // references inside this function should be expanded // IOW, don't use shorthand references like xx for xajax oRequest.request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (oRequest.request.readyState != 4) return; xajax.responseReceived(oRequest); } oRequest.finishRequest = function() { return this.returnValue; } } else { oRequest.finishRequest = function() { return xajax.responseReceived(oRequest); } } if ('undefined' != typeof oRequest.userName && 'undefined' != typeof oRequest.password) { oRequest.open = function() { this.request.open( this.method, this.requestURI, 'asynchronous' == this.mode, oRequest.userName, oRequest.password); } } else { oRequest.open = function() { this.request.open( this.method, this.requestURI, 'asynchronous' == this.mode); } } if ('POST' == oRequest.method) { // W3C: Method is case sensitive oRequest.applyRequestHeaders = function() { this.setCommonRequestHeaders(); try { this.setPostRequestHeaders(); } catch (e) { this.method = 'GET'; this.requestURI += this.requestURI.indexOf('?')== -1 ? '?' : '&'; this.requestURI += this.requestData; this.requestData = ''; if (0 == this.requestRetry) this.requestRetry = 1; throw e; } } } else { oRequest.applyRequestHeaders = function() { this.setCommonRequestHeaders(); this.setGetRequestHeaders(); } } } /* Function: xajax.request Initiates a request to the server. Parameters: functionName - (object): An object containing the name of the function to execute on the server. The standard request is: {xjxfun:'function_name'} oRequest - (object, optional): A request object which may contain call specific parameters. This object will be used by xajax to store all the request parameters as well as temporary variables needed during the processing of the request. */ xajax.request = function() { var numArgs = arguments.length; if (0 == numArgs) return false; var oRequest = {} if (1 < numArgs) oRequest = arguments[1]; oRequest.functionName = arguments[0]; var xx = xajax; xx.initializeRequest(oRequest); xx.processParameters(oRequest); while (0 < oRequest.requestRetry) { try { --oRequest.requestRetry; xx.prepareRequest(oRequest); return xx.submitRequest(oRequest); } catch (e) { xajax.callback.execute( [xajax.callback.global, oRequest.callback], 'onFailure', oRequest); if (0 == oRequest.requestRetry) throw e; } } } /* Function: xajax.call Initiates a call to the server. Parameters: sFunctionName - (string): The name of the function to execute on the server. oRequestOptions - (object, optional): A request object which may contain call specific parameters. This object will be used by xajax to store all the request parameters as well as temporary variables needed during the processing of the request. Returns: unknown - For asynchronous calls, the return value will always be the value set for */ xajax.call = function() { var numArgs = arguments.length; if (0 == numArgs) return false; var oRequest = {} if (1 < numArgs) oRequest = arguments[1]; oRequest.functionName = { xjxfun: arguments[0] }; var xx = xajax; xx.initializeRequest(oRequest); xx.processParameters(oRequest); while (0 < oRequest.requestRetry) { try { --oRequest.requestRetry; xx.prepareRequest(oRequest); return xx.submitRequest(oRequest); } catch (e) { xajax.callback.execute( [xajax.callback.global, oRequest.callback], 'onFailure', oRequest); if (0 == oRequest.requestRetry) throw e; } } } /* Function: xajax.submitRequest Create a request object and submit the request using the specified request type; all request parameters should be finalized by this point. Upon failure of a POST, this function will fall back to a GET request. Parameters: oRequest - (object): The request context object. */ xajax.submitRequest = function(oRequest) { oRequest.status.onRequest(); var xcb = xajax.callback; var gcb = xcb.global; var lcb = oRequest.callback; xcb.execute([gcb, lcb], 'onResponseDelay', oRequest); xcb.execute([gcb, lcb], 'onExpiration', oRequest); xcb.execute([gcb, lcb], 'onRequest', oRequest); oRequest.open(); oRequest.applyRequestHeaders(); oRequest.cursor.onWaiting(); oRequest.status.onWaiting(); xajax._internalSend(oRequest); // synchronous mode causes response to be processed immediately here return oRequest.finishRequest(); } /* Function: xajax._internalSend This function is used internally by xajax to initiate a request to the server. Parameters: oRequest - (object): The request context object. */ xajax._internalSend = function(oRequest) { // this may block if synchronous mode is selected oRequest.request.send(oRequest.requestData); } /* Function: xajax.abortRequest Abort the request. Parameters: oRequest - (object): The request context object. */ xajax.abortRequest = function(oRequest) { oRequest.aborted = true; oRequest.request.abort(); xajax.completeResponse(oRequest); } /* Function: xajax.responseReceived Process the response. Parameters: oRequest - (object): The request context object. */ xajax.responseReceived = function(oRequest) { var xx = xajax; var xcb = xx.callback; var gcb = xcb.global; var lcb = oRequest.callback; // sometimes the responseReceived gets called when the // request is aborted if (oRequest.aborted) return; xcb.clearTimer([gcb, lcb], 'onExpiration'); xcb.clearTimer([gcb, lcb], 'onResponseDelay'); xcb.execute([gcb, lcb], 'beforeResponseProcessing', oRequest); var fProc = xx.getResponseProcessor(oRequest); if ('undefined' == typeof fProc) { xcb.execute([gcb, lcb], 'onFailure', oRequest); xx.completeResponse(oRequest); return; } return fProc(oRequest); } /* Function: xajax.getResponseProcessor This function attempts to determine, based on the content type of the reponse, what processor should be used for handling the response data. The default xajax response will be text/xml which will invoke the xajax xml response processor. Other response processors may be added in the future. The user can specify their own response processor on a call by call basis. Parameters: oRequest - (object): The request context object. Modified by Christian Koller - untermStrich */ xajax.getResponseProcessor = function(oRequest) { var fProc; if ('undefined' == typeof oRequest.responseProcessor) { var cTyp = oRequest.request.getResponseHeader('content-type'); if (cTyp) { if (0 <= cTyp.indexOf('text/xml')) { fProc = xajax.responseProcessor.xml; } else if (0 <= cTyp.indexOf('text/html')) { var respTxtall = oRequest.request.responseText; //Get title var respTxtmsg = '

System error

'; if (0 <= respTxtall.indexOf('

')) { respTxtmsg = '


')+4, respTxtall.indexOf('

'))+''; } //Get body var respTxtinfo = respTxtall; if (0 <= respTxtall.indexOf('')) { respTxtinfo = respTxtall.substring(respTxtall.indexOf('')+6, respTxtall.indexOf('')); } dialogMessage.viewAlert(respTxtmsg + '
' + respTxtinfo + '
', dialogMessage.TYPE_ERROR_XJX); return; // } else if (0 <= cTyp.indexOf('application/json')) { // fProc = xajax.responseProcessor.json; } } } else fProc = oRequest.responseProcessor; return fProc; } /* Function: xajax.executeCommand Perform a lookup on the command specified by the response command object passed in the first parameter. If the command exists, the function checks to see if the command references a DOM object by ID; if so, the object is located within the DOM and added to the command data. The command handler is then called. If the command handler returns true, it is assumed that the command completed successfully. If the command handler returns false, then the command is considered pending; xajax enters a wait state. It is up to the command handler to set an interval, timeout or event handler which will restart the xajax response processing. Parameters: obj - (object): The response command to be executed. Returns: true - The command completed successfully. false - The command signalled that it needs to pause processing. */ xajax.executeCommand = function(command) { if (xajax.command.handler.isRegistered(command)) { // it is important to grab the element here as the previous command // might have just created the element if (command.id) command.target = xajax.$(command.id); // process the command if (false == xajax.command.handler.call(command)) { xajax.tools.queue.pushFront(xajax.response, command); return false; } } return true; } /* Function: xajax.completeResponse Called by the response command queue processor when all commands have been processed. Parameters: oRequest - (object): The request context object. */ xajax.completeResponse = function(oRequest) { xajax.callback.execute( [xajax.callback.global, oRequest.callback], 'onComplete', oRequest); oRequest.cursor.onComplete(); oRequest.status.onComplete(); // clean up -- these items are restored when the request is initiated delete oRequest['functionName']; delete oRequest['requestURI']; delete oRequest['requestData']; delete oRequest['requestRetry']; delete oRequest['request']; delete oRequest['set']; delete oRequest['open']; delete oRequest['setRequestHeaders']; delete oRequest['setCommonRequestHeaders']; delete oRequest['setPostRequestHeaders']; delete oRequest['setGetRequestHeaders']; delete oRequest['applyRequestHeaders']; delete oRequest['finishRequest']; delete oRequest['status']; delete oRequest['cursor']; } /* Function: xajax.$ Shortcut to . */ xajax.$ = xajax.tools.$; /* Function: xajax.getFormValues Shortcut to . */ xajax.getFormValues = xajax.tools.getFormValues; /* Boolean: xajax.isLoaded true - xajax module is loaded. */ xajax.isLoaded = true; /* Class: xjx Contains shortcut's to frequently used functions. */ xjx = {} /* Function: xjx.$ Shortcut to . */ xjx.$ = xajax.tools.$; /* Function: xjx.getFormValues Shortcut to . */ xjx.getFormValues = xajax.tools.getFormValues; /* Function: xjx.call Shortcut to . */ xjx.call = xajax.call; xjx.request = xajax.request;